5) LAMINATED FERROCEMENT SLAB – Overview of procedure with graphic. The water tank had a proper LFC slab on blue foam
but I need to find those photos.
a) LFC Procedure –
b) New Ferrocement Shell (Repeat of New Shell)
c) Leveling Pad –
c.i) Retaining Wall ( Both Retaining Wall and Spanning Ground subjects are discussions within this page titled (Leveling
Pad) and not separate pages.
c.ii) Spanning Ground
d) Blue Foam Base – This will detail how to interface the blue foam with the compacted subgrade.
e) Top Foam with hydronic heating – This discusses the design of the top layer of foam that has contains the hydronic heating
and supports the expanded metal lath fabric carpeting above as a starting point for the Laminated Ferrocemnt Process.
f) Manifold Placement – how to Service a leaky line and Circuit Layout Design of hydronic heating on a floor plan.