1) NEW SHELL COMPOSITE - Overview plus link to main menu option of same name. a) Composite Design.a.i) Materials (with Buy Buttons next to each description)a.ii) Closed Spherical Cell Aerationa.iii) Highly b) Layered Reinforcing Design – Visual and description of layered reinforcing and strategy. Close up visual of 2 to 3 layers and connection pattern to illustrate the no-slip, 360 degree tensile plane. This is a certain overlap pattern to create the triangular patterns and enough overlap to lock the pieces down so they can’t slip. Every connection is bonded with a hog ring tie.c) Mixing Procedure – This description focuses on the tools and the mixing procedure that causes minimum hydration. It will also have the link to my Youtube video for the mix. d) Application Strategy – This will discuss application strategy with illustration graphics with some photo support and will have the link to the video of the shell application. Also discussion of choosing the plaster area size for a single mix (40 to 50 square feet)e) Glaze Finish – This will discuss the glaze finish and the importance of using the original base mix and then modifiying that with acrylic with just enough high-solids acrylic to make it soupy for a brush on glaze. It will also discuss the importance of having some original mix for filling during the glaze process, the proper 15 percent portion of the original mix and the proper window of timing for the glaze application.f) Testing – This discusses the compressive strength test results and the importance of making a quality test cube for every mix if possible and how to make the test cube and provide a buy button for the testing kit and provide a link to crush test service which is, of course, provided by me for a great price!!g) Foam Core Stress Skin Shell (This Connects to FCSS Overview)g.i) Materials.g.ii) Mix Design.g.iii) Application Strategyg.iv) Glazeh) Finish Paint – Discussion of Chlorinated Rubber paint over Epoxy Paint for finish paint.i) Stress-Skin/Structural Sandwich Designj) Bell Column Dome Process -